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Native, well-crafted app for your desktop OS
Free Download for Windows, Mac & Unix
v3.5.2 | What’s new?
Open Source version and source code
Up-to-date source code of the Open Source version of Poedit (sans the Pro features included in the above binaries) is available at GitHub under the terms of the MIT license. Windows and Mac versions can only be built from a git checkout; Unix builds can be done either from the checkout or from the above tarball.
Older operating systems
Poedit can still work on older operating systems, such as Windows 7 or macOS 10.13. Use the following version for compatibility:
Windows 7/8/8.1
Latest working version is v3.4.
macOS 10.13
Latest working version is v3.2.
Very old systems (unsupported):
Mac OS X 10.10 to macOS 10.12
Latest working version is v2.4.3. This version is not compatible with macOS 12.3 and newer.
Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and 10.9 (Mavericks)
Latest working version is v1.8.12.
Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)
Latest working version is v1.8.11.
Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and PowerPC Macs
Latest working version is v1.5.7.
Windows XP/Windows Vista
Latest working version is v1.8.12.
Older versions of Poedit
Below you can find older version of Poedit available for download and use.
Please note that versions older than 3.4 are no longer supported, with the exception of Poedit Pro 2.4 (on macOS ≤ 11 and Windows ≤ 10).
Version 3.4 | Windows | Mac | source code |
Version 3.3 | Windows | Mac | source code |
Version 3.2 | Windows | Mac | source code |
Version 3.1 | Windows | Mac | source code |
Version 2.4 | Windows | Mac | source code |
Archeology department:
Version 2.3 | Windows | Mac | source code |
Version 2.2 | Windows | Mac | source code |
Version 2.1 | Windows | Mac | source code |
Version 2.0 | Windows | Mac | source code |
Version 1.8 | Windows | Mac | source code |
Version 1.7 | Windows | Mac | source code |
Version 1.6 | Windows | Mac | source code |